
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Seeking Creativity

Seeking Creativity


Finding Creativity Amongst A Pandemic

How? I mean really HOW? It’s the million dollar question for me right now. I thrive on creativity. Not only in my personal life and projects but in my career as well. But living in a pandemic of sorts the last year has really been a larger bump in the road than I care to admit. I am pushing aside the obvious here so bear with me. I am not discounting the realness of what is going on in the world so please don’t think that. I just wanted to share where I am at and I am certain I am not alone in this.

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”
— Osho

I hope you read that quote above. If not please go back and read it. It really hit home for me. When I think of being inspired or where my creativity comes from, so much of it is from living life. Having experiences, feelings and taking in what I see around me. Something will spark those inner creative juices and inspire me. But not all of us are truly living life right now. More of a half life. I mean, don’t worry my family is healthy, we still have jobs, all is technically well so I am not trying to complain as I know MANY have it much worse. I just haven’t fully lived the last year to all it should be. Some of that is the shutdowns. Some of that is my own anxiety for all the “rules and mandates” which causes me to sit at home and not go out.

So how do we navigate this? I have friends and family that have been traveling. Absolutely no judgement from me. Rather the opposite, I’m incredibly jealous. Jealous that they have chosen to move forward and not let the pandemic get them down. I have failed in that aspect in more ways than one. I have written about being on a roller coster blindfolded in a previous blog post. While I may not feel as if I am blindfolded any longer I definetly feel like I am still riding that roller coaster on a daily basis. Some days, everything is fine. And then some days just suck. I know that is a part of life but I am still longing for that “Normal” that just seems lost. I know things are different now and going forward life is going to be different. There is no denying that. I am also not saying that this different is bad. In a lot of ways it is good for my family.


So back to my original point…how do we find creativity that is not forced? Drag ourselves out of whatever rut we may be in? I will say the sun is shining as I type this and I won’t lie…that is also helping my mood. With the sun brings on possibilities of spring and summer. It brings hope that we can move forward.

So it is past time to find ways to move forward. COVID does not define me and I’m tired of letting it. Here are my goals for moving forward and ideas for finding that creative spark again.

  1. Picnic in the car (go out to eat…even if its a picnic in the car)

  2. Go for a drive (anywhere. At least a few times a week. Run errands, get lunch etc…)

  3. Art night once a month (enjoy a night of art)

  4. Happy Hour (YES! Grab a friend)

  5. Dance (you know…dance it out. Turn that music up on HIGH)

  6. Bake something new (This can be fun with the kids too)

  7. Visit a local farm (Or somewhere new)

  8. Go Shopping (While I hate shopping…I have been doing my best to shop local and shop small!)

  9. Get dressed, fix my hair and put on makeup (yes…this is funny. But really. I figure what’s the point? Time to change that.)

  10. Work on a quilt (I used to sew all the time. But I have moved my sewing out to the studio so its a bit more of a challenge. I think working on a project will be fulfilling!)

I think I will start with those 10 for now. If you have any to add please feel free to put in the comments. If not for me but maybe someone else needs a reminder or advice on finding the sliver linings. If you don’t have any creative ideas to share how about share your favorite recipe? I have been trying to enjoy time in the kitchen and with the kids so I am up for some new recipes! (Bonus points if it includes bacon…but no red meat please)

I know there is no magic answer to all of this. But there is steps that will help and time will continue to make things better as well (I hope). I am looking forward to being in a better space as a whole and for hopefully no more natural disasters. (I mean seriously right?!)

Life Out Loud~

Studio Life @blissstudiopdx
Farm Life @harlacherfarm

Dessert with Bacon

Dessert with Bacon

Farmhouse Kitchen

Farmhouse Kitchen